Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Hey guys,

I use post it notes all the time and for different reasons too like:

  • Remembering important things - my mind can be like a sieve sometimes

  • Planning Covers of songs that Im going to sing - I tend to want  to sing lots of different songs so I write them down and cross them off one by one

  • Phone numbers - usually when people give me their numbers i have no paper in my bag but post it note

  • Train journeys - I watch a lot of youtubers, one of them is itswaypastmybedtime and i got this off of her. I tend to like something about someone or want to say something to someone and i struggle saying it to them so i write it down and give it to them.

  • Doodles - I love doodling and post it notes are perfect for small doodles. you can also make a big picture out of small doodles.

  • Staying positive - I struggle to stay positive quite a lot of the time and i write positive quotes, sayings and things like that on post it notes.

Bye guys xxxx